Cisco Study Reveals Critical Role of Privacy Emerging from Global Pandemic
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Cisco Study Reveals Critical Role of Privacy Emerging from Global Pandemic

Feb 02, 2021 – Cisco published the 2021 Data Privacy Benchmark Study, its fourth annual look into corporate privacy practices worldwide, which found enhanced importance of privacy protections during the pandemic and increasing benefits for businesses that adopt strong privacy measures.

The independent, anonymized survey analyzed the responses of 4,400 security and privacy professionals across 25 countries and explored attitudes towards privacy legislation and the emergence of privacy metrics being reported to executive management.

At a time of disruption and uncertainty due to the pandemic, people have been suddenly expected, and at times required, to share their personal information to help curtail the spread of COVID19. At the same time, people have shifted much of their lives online, accelerating a trend that normally would have taken years. These mass-scale shifts in human interaction and digital engagement presented many challenging data privacy issues for organizations who aim to follow the law, stop the spread of the pandemic, while also respecting individual rights. Consumers and the general public are growing increasingly concerned about how their personal data is being used.

Other key findings from the report include:

  • Privacy is much more than just a compliance issue as businesses now see it as a fundamental human right and a mission-critical C-suite priority.
  • There is a clear shift in the market towards standardizing privacy as a non-negotiable requirement when digitizing and advancing business objectives.
  • Most people are fine with sharing health information for workplace safety and pandemic response, but are uncomfortable with other uses such as research.
  • Privacy and the larger cybersecurity ecosystem will play a key role in the road to economic growth and COVID-19 pandemic recovery.
  • Privacy investment continues to be attractive, with 75% of organizations seeing significant business value in terms of mitigating security losses, enhanced agility and innovation, improved operational efficiency, and improved customer loyalty and trust.

“Privacy has come of age – recognized as a fundamental human right and rising to a mission-critical priority for executive management,” noted Cisco Vice President and Chief Privacy Officer, Harvey Jang. “And with the accelerated move to work from anywhere, privacy has taken on greater importance in driving digitization, corporate resiliency, agility, and innovation.”
