Moving Sustainability Forward with Dell APEX
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Moving Sustainability Forward with Dell APEX

Nov 24, 2022 — Environmental sustainability is no longer icing on the cake, it’s a necessary ingredient to an organization’s business strategy.

Leading IT companies have a responsibility to manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. Dell APEX, by design, is a significant step forward in embracing Dell’s commitment to the Green Data Center. Furthermore, Dell demonstrates the highest standards in commitment to sustainability when coupled with its strategic partnerships ensuring that our customer experience, especially within the APEX portfolio, offers the brightest future for our global IT ecosystem.

As-a-service consumption models have been a key enabler to reducing waste by right sizing your IT, while still ensuring availability, performance and most importantly the ability to scale. APEX optimizes IT operations and can help reduce your organization’s environmental impact by enabling you to deploy only what you need. Simply stated: APEX provides the ability to optimize energy and resource consumption.
