Helping Individuals with MND Preserve Their Voice and Identity
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Helping Individuals with MND Preserve Their Voice and Identity

Feb 14, 2021 – Helping Individuals with MND Preserve Their Voice and Identity
Dell Technologies, Intel, Rolls Royce and the MND Association created “I Will Always Be Me,” a first-of-its-kind book that banks your voice.

For the past 38 years, we’ve been working with our customers and partners to come up with bold ideas to truly drive human progress. That’s why when our partner Rolls-Royce came to us and Intel with an idea to help improve the quality of life for individuals living with motor neurone disease (MND), also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in the United States, we were honored to jump in and help.

MND is a devastating disease that slowly strips away a person’s ability to eat, move, speak and breathe over time – and there’s no cure. Voice banking is an often complex and time-consuming process to record a person’s voice to later develop a digital replica to help them communicate as they start to have difficulty speaking.

That’s why we partnered with Intel, Rolls-Royce and the Motor Neurone Disease Association in the United Kingdom to create “I Will Always Be Me,” a touching and immersive eBook that banks your voice as you read it out loud. The book transforms an often-difficult conversation and emotionally tolling process into a meaningful experience with loved ones for a lasting impact. We hope to change the perception of voice banking and encourage more individuals to do so early in their diagnosis to preserve their identity as the disease inevitably takes over.

To learn more about the program, or if you are a person or know a person living with MND in the UK, please visit the website to start the recording experience.
